Friday, October 19, 2007


Last night I volunteered to work a catering event. It was in some ones home, and was a relatively small event, there was four of us working and "Chef" Todd (a graduate from Kendall, nice guy) I had a lot of fun and everything we served was really good. I wish I had some of that beef tenderloin right now...Anyhow, I really hope that I manage to get more of these opportunites because the experience is great.

I want to volunteer more in general. I usually have a really good time, I don't know why I don't do it more often. I think I am going to sign up to work on the Magnificent Mile Christmas lights. Maybe I can wrap a tree in lights and then brag to everybody that it is MY tree! I've also seen a few animal shelters around and I think maybe I might try to get back into that, especially if I can find a Humane Society since I already have my training paid for from them.

I'm supposed to be typing my resume right now, but my previous work experience is lame. Except for the work I did for my dads company, but that has nothing to do with my field now. Uuuugh. I still need a job. But no one wants to hire me, which I understand. Bad working hours, complete lack of culinary experience... :(

On the plus side, I should actually be recieving my loan money in the next 2-3 weeks!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Went to Mexico.
It was awesome.
FORGOT ALL MY PICTURES!!!!! (except about 20)
Back to school.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Biscuits and Cookies

On Tuesdays this quarter I don't have class till 12:40 so I've been going in early to practice. Today I made spritz cookies and cinnamon biscuits. The cookies we're over mixed because I'm retarded and I forgot to add the vanilla so I had to add it at the last minute. And the biscuits...we'll I decided to experiment and add cinnamon but they just didn't come out right. I have yet to have a good batch of biscuits. Someday.
I can't believe it's only Tuesday. I had a pretty good day yesterday, but it just seems like everything is moving so slooowwlllyyy...Bleh.
But hey, at least we are done with Attorney General Gonzalez. That's worth a lot of bad biscuits!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm finally back!

AT&T has decided to grace us with their presence in the apartment again. So after a month of not having internet, I can finally access the world wide web from home.

The freshmen have arrived. They're everywhere. Clumps of them walking around, taking up the sidewalk and my seat on the bus. Bastards. One of them asked me which way was north or east. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to leave next summer.

Also, this weekend is Taste of Greece. During the day it isn't too bad. But at night it's just crazy. I had to literally push people out of my way to get to my apartment last night. This morning there was the tents were being used by homeless people as shelters. Actually, I should have kept an eye on that. I bet when the real owners of the tents showed up it turned into a showdown.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Ok, lack of posting is due to lack of internet. AKA I have no internet at the apartment. I'm going to have to actually cancel my account with AT&T soon. Blegh. But someday this will be a current blog. Someday.

Monday, July 9, 2007

For some reason I can't type in a title... :\ weird. Just for the record it would have been "AT&T is EVIL!"

That is to say, I have zero internet at the apartment. Which just plain sucks. Espeacially because I have actually ad a lot of things I want to say here. And right now I just don't have the energy to type it all up into one giant post. Maybe some other time.

Today was my first day of class! I'm going to put a picture on here eventually of me in my uniform. But since I havent had working internet I haven't taken a picture. I'll add it to my to-do list.

My class today was Pastry Theory and it's a "lecture class". Which basically means that I'm in a class room but it's much more interactive then a traditional class. We start on baker's math tomorrow. I think it should be relatively understandable at first (based on the first two chapters we had to read for homework) but I'm thinking it might get a bit frustrating not to far in. Bleh. At least with this math I know exactly where I'll be using it and it's very, very useful.

I have one main instructor for this entire quarter. (one for all my classes except for computer lab) Her name is Chef Melani or Chef Kelson, whichever we prefer. So far I think she's great. She seems to be very dedicated to her job and her students, believes firmly in discipline, and has a high respect for the field. Which makes me incredibly happy. But she's still a very nice woman and even cracks small jokes in class. So basically she's perfect. I'm going to need to remember this in a few weeks when I'm tired and stressed out.

I know there is so much more to say, but I need to get back to the apartment to iron my clothes for tomorrow and then some much needed sleep. yaaaaawn.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Silly Me

Ooooh yeah!

I caught a potholder on fire yesterday!

I was making popcorn (stove top popcorn is the best!) and the potholder I was using has a bunch of loose string hanging off it. Every time I use it I think to myself that I should trim them off before something bad happens, but of course I never cut them off. (bad memory) So I'm making the popcorn and I grabbed the pot to shake it a little waiting for the last few kernels to pop. When I'm about to put the pot back on the burner I noticed it was smoking and I thought the popcorn had caught on fire so I put it down really fast, but then I realized the smoke was coming from the pot holder still in my hand, and lo and behold there's flames licking off one of the corners. I went to the sink really fast and doused it, so now I have a soggy slightly burnt pot holder. But the worst part of it is my popcorn burnt during all this excitement and the apartment was stinky for the rest of the day. Burnt popcorn is very tragic.

The Jesus Phone Hath Cometh

Today's biggest news is the iPhone. Ok, it's todays biggest happy news. So far the only people that don't really like it are the writers at PC World Magazine and Meredith Vieira. I meant to go by last night to a nearby AT&T store to watch people fight for iPhones, but I forgot. Luckily though I didn't miss anything exciting because Steve Jobs is a nice guy and made sure that all the bigger stores had plenty of phones so there was no fighting.

In other local news, the apartment had a bathroom demon which I think might have finally left Thursday. The bath tub drains perfectly, no standing water at any point during my showers anymore, fixed a clogged toilet, rescued a cell phone from clog-free toilet, hopefully have seen the end of a leaking ceiling, and nothing negative to be said for the sink. And I think me and the roommate have found a nice light shade of green to paint the bathroom.

I seem to have misplaced the memory stick for my camera so I haven't been able to take any pictures which is kind of sucky so if I don't find it within the next week I think I'm going to go buy a really small cheap one to use until it reappears.

And I think that's all the excitement for now.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Yesterday I went shopping. And I spent a pretty hefty sum of money.

I bought:
-My school books for the quarter
-My uniform for school
-My tool kit
-A pair of KITCHEN shoes
- and a really small food processor. Which is actually for me, not school. Maybe I shouldn't have bought that, but it was $12 and it takes up such a small amount of space that I couldn't help it.

I actually saved some money on the books, I went to and bought most of them that way rather than having to buy them new from the school. Except for the sanitation class book that I had to buy new (has a test I need in it) and the computer class book because I had to make sure I got the cd.

So I don't have to worry about getting anything else before class which is great, and this way my books should all get here in time.


I had my first celebrity sighting in Chicago!

I went to Grant Park on Thursday for a rally for Universal Health care, followed by a march and a FREE MOVIE! (I'd just like to be honest and say that I mostly went for the free movie.) But it was pretty cool, I got to see some local political figures and I enjoyed hearing what they had to say. But the movie was still the best.

But the I said I saw a celebrity! Michael Moore. He was at the rally, he talked, he's a good talker. And then I got to see a free preview of his movie, SiCKO. After which he answered questions. Pretty cool. I liked the movie too, it's sad, but it's interesting. There was really nothing in it that I didn't already know, but it's interesting seeing it as a movie. I would recommend it.

By the way, I know I was filmed and had pictures taken of me. However, I have not been able to find any of them. What's up with that?

Turn left at the light.

I don't know what it is about me, but apparently I look like I know where I'm going. I don't even know at this point how many people have asked me for directions. A few of them out of pure luck I was able to tell them where to go, but a few of them I had absolutely no idea what to tell them.

Maybe part of it is because I'm near Union Station?

All I know is, maybe I should actually learn where I'm going so when people ask me where to go I don't just stare at them blankly and go duuuuuuh...I don't know?

Then maybe I could be one of those lazy tour guides that sit on a bus all day and just spew random facts as they go!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

First Week

I am officially moved into my new apartment.! I really like it, yes it's smaller but it's fun and I managed to get all my belongs into with out a problem, just a little more creativity.
This week has been really busy what with the actual move and then spending my last week with my family. Here's a basic run down:
Saturday (June 2) - Going Away Party (very fun, got to see y closest friends one last time and all together)
Sunday - Loaded up moving vehicle very early in the morning and drove all the way to Texarkana, spent the night is slightly scary hotel.
Monday - drove ALL day. Made it to the hotel in Chicago at 10:30, passed out.
Tuesday - Woke up really early AGAIN , drove to my apartment and unloaded to moving vehicle. Ate something and then unpacked everything. Then we went to Navy Pier and walked around a bit and ate at Bubba Gump, which I definately recommend, kind of expensive but the service was fantastic and the food was good.
Wednesday - went to Sears Tower and Union Station, sat on some really soft grass and ate ice cream, walked around Grant park a little, saw the Frijole and ate some really huuge pizza.
Thursday - Visited Kendall and had an amazing lunch there, took care of some boring financial aid stuff then went to the art institute, went to Home Depot and bought a ceiling fan for the dining area, which also got installed later.
Friday - Woke up, went to Chinatown then Boystown, had a really good lunch (Chicago Diner, yuumm) met parents downtown, went and had some cold drinks, went to home depot and bought the correct lightbulbs for ceiling fan, ate dinner at Athena (it was ok, spanakopita was really good), fixed ceiling fan, crashed.
Saturday (June 9) - Hung around the apartment with parents, went by Staples for somethings, watched a movie in the apartment then drove to the airport, ate at a slightly skanky yet yummy hotdog place, left parents at airport, went grocery shopping. Now I plan on taking a nice shower and sleeping.

I know I've left some stuff out, but I think it's a good basic run down.

Friday, June 1, 2007

On Packing:

It really sucks. I don't have any idea how I accumulated so much stuff in two years. And it's not like I live in the biggest apartment ever. It's incredibly aggravating. Since I've started packing I've started disliking myself more and more. The fact that I am a "bit" of a pack rat (it used to be worse) is discouraging. And really, more than anything, the fact that I am so materialistic. I like simplicity and not being tied to my belongings, but I am. I feel so dirty right now. I wish I could take nothing with me, just leave everything behind.

The act of packing has to be the most complicated thing ever.

And in a few days, I get to UNPACK it all. Bleeeh!

Monday, May 28, 2007

On Apartments:

As I said in my last post I did indeed find a new apartment to live in, that comes with a roommate. I got to meet both and I really like both.
The apartment of course is considerably smaller than the one I am in now, but I was expecting that. I was also expecting the considerable rise in the cost of rent. I'm not too worried about it though, I'll manage.
The apartment has a lot more character to it. It isn't just another box shaped apartment among clusters of others. The view is way different; I'm going from a big tree (with a cute little squirrel) to a rather busy city street.
Meeting the soon-to-be roommate went very well too. He seems like a very nice, honest person. He also seems to really have his life in order, he knows what he's doing and where he plans on going. I think we'll get along but I really hope we can be friends. It's hard leaving a roommate that I have come to love so much to move in with stranger.
In no time at all I should have the answers to the different questions floating around my head. I hope it all turns out for the best.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

New digs!

It's looking like I have (at last) found a place to live, and a pretty fantastic roommate to boot! I'm going up in May to meet him, which I am pretty darn excited about.

I know I had more to say, but really, why say more? I don't want to spoil it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Le Sigh

I can't believe how hard it is to find some place to live in Chicago.

I sent out another batch of e-mails a few days ago and finally got a few responses. Which was actually really (really) exciting. One of them might pan out into something. Which would be really exciting. (Apparently I like using the phrase 'really exciting' a lot) He seems like a pretty cool guy and like some one that I could get along with. After I talked to him a bit I sent all the others messages basically saying sorry, not interested anymore.

So now the paranoid, pessimistic side of me is kicking in. What if things don't work out and I am left with out an apartment sometime in May? At that point I would be totally screwed. So I set up a phone appointment to talk to a College apartment finder thing. It's free, so what's the harm, right?

We'll see. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Apartment search continues!

I sent 5 e-mails out to potential roommates on Sunday. Maybe six now that I think about it.

And for the first time ever I have received responses!

One yesterday, which already fell through seeing as they want some one for May, I need July.
And one today. Which I plan on replying to in the morning. But we'll see what happens when I say I'm from out of state and I probably can't meet them prior to moving in. :\

But 2 out of six still isn't great. And considering the two that did reply were on the bottom of my list of who I wanted to reply it sucks even more. (One is faaaar away from downtown, the other was slightly more than I want to pay)

So basically tomorrow I think I need to send out some more e-mails if I can find some more listings in my price/distance range.

I hope this blog doesn't continue being just post after post of me complaining...

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Yesterday the official date was set for when I leave Texas.
June 4.
Both my parents will be coming and one of my best friends.
Also bought their plane tickets for them to fly back to Texas. They leave Chicago at 6:44 pm on the 9th. :(
I'm really excited about getting to Chicago and moving in, but really sad about the fact that once they leave I will be about 1,200 miles from all my family and friends.
This is also a little earlier than I had initially planned on being up there, but this way it gives me more time to familiarize myself with the city before class starts and also to get a JOB before class starts.

Now I just need to find an actual place to move into!

Friday, April 13, 2007

First One!

I'm starting this blog to journal my BIG MOVE from Texas to Chicago. Right now that consists of me trying to get an apartment and financial aid for school and believe me that is about as exciting as it sounds-which is to say, it's not very exciting at all.

Big news (hopefully) for this weekend will be my SARS report from FAFSA, which should give me some idea of how much financial aid I am getting from the school.

I also need to track down some boxes so I can start packing things, because I just so happen to be one of the slowest packers in the world.

See, isn't this exciting? ....It'll get better, I promise.