Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Jesus Phone Hath Cometh

Today's biggest news is the iPhone. Ok, it's todays biggest happy news. So far the only people that don't really like it are the writers at PC World Magazine and Meredith Vieira. I meant to go by last night to a nearby AT&T store to watch people fight for iPhones, but I forgot. Luckily though I didn't miss anything exciting because Steve Jobs is a nice guy and made sure that all the bigger stores had plenty of phones so there was no fighting.

In other local news, the apartment had a bathroom demon which I think might have finally left Thursday. The bath tub drains perfectly, no standing water at any point during my showers anymore, fixed a clogged toilet, rescued a cell phone from clog-free toilet, hopefully have seen the end of a leaking ceiling, and nothing negative to be said for the sink. And I think me and the roommate have found a nice light shade of green to paint the bathroom.

I seem to have misplaced the memory stick for my camera so I haven't been able to take any pictures which is kind of sucky so if I don't find it within the next week I think I'm going to go buy a really small cheap one to use until it reappears.

And I think that's all the excitement for now.

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