Saturday, December 20, 2008


They are finally out and I could not be happier. Or, I'm sure I will be once the pain is gone.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Crazy animal, crazy fruit

This squirrel has eaten/ kidnapped over half of the pumpkins my friends and I went and picked in Michigan. BY ITS SELF! The pumpkin its sitting on has a giant hole in it and the interior is mostly eaten. The small pumpkins are gone or are strewn all over the steps. Crazy Animal!

This my friends is Durian. It is a pain the in the ass to open and once its open you you still have to pull out all the pulp and decide what the heck to do with it. Crazy Fruit!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Did you forget to watch the news?

After the opera Ramon and I decided we were thirsty and wanted to get something before we got on the train. So we hopped into an open 7-11 and not only found some liquid refreshment but also an important lesson in business ownership.

If something like say, a presidential election occurs and you decide to stock cups with the losers name on it be prepared not to sell very many sodas.
I really wanted a fountain soda. (fountain Dr. Pepper is far superior to canned) But given that I would have to walk around the city and sit on a train with a bright red cup that said the guys name on it....I decided it wasn't the smartest beverage choice.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I will be the proud owner of a miniature donkey.

Friday, August 22, 2008

An Interesting Day

Today was a very busy day. I had my most ambitious plated dessert to make. Gluten/Allergy free dessert. And it turned out great! Not perfect, but good. And Chef Zonka liked it so much she came in to visit me in the kitchen and tell me that I should submit it to a magazine!! I think I would want to spend some time getting it really perfect first but it would be very exciting try and have something put in a magazine.

And then during service I get a phone call from the roommates. They found kittens. And not just any kittens, kittens that were born this morning or yesterday morning. 5 of them. So even though I was drop dead tired when I got home I had to see them. (So cute!) And of course here I am an hour later typing this. Some day I will learn to sleep properly.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Of the course of a few days I have finally made a magnetic door!

I finally used the magnetic paint I bought a while back and made one of the doors in the kitchen magnetic. It took quite a few layers of paint to actually be strong enough to hold a magnet but now it can and I can't wait to cover it with my collection of magnets!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Taken From School Blog

Yesterday was my official 30 day mark, if you include orientation. Without counting orientation days then it’s this Saturday. The days seem to just be flying by!

This weekend is Mother’s Day which means we’re going to be busy busy busy! Saturday’s are always busy, but now we have an even busier Sunday to deal with. It should be interesting. I’m really excited to see the Lobby on Sunday, it undergoes an amazing transformation from what I hear. Takes something like 16 hours, I think.

Monday we had two big banquets and one of them had asked for fortune cookies, so guess what I got to do? That’s right, I got to make something like 100 fortune cookies. It was kind of fun, I was working with two other people on the folding part because it has to be done very quickly after they are taken from the oven. Too bad I didn’t have a chance to get a picture. :(

I’m really in the mood for some cupcakes today, but I can’t decide what kind to make. Worst birthday present I have ever gotten is the 500 Cupcakes books, I am not nearly decisive enough to pick one out of 500!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Taken from School Blog*

Today is my one day off this week and of course the weather is not very inviting. (What’s up with 20-30 degree weather at the end of April??) Which is kind of good because I’m staying inside and getting some work/laundry done that I won’t have much of a chance for the rest of this week.

I am about 3 weeks into my internship and I am loving it! It’s been pretty busy lately but I’m having a good time and learning A LOT. Every one I work with has a great attitude and really enjoys what they’re doing, so it’s a really great environment to work in.

Ok, time for me to stop slacking off and get back to homework!

*The school as asked me to start writing a blog for perspective students to look at, right now it's just on a trial I don't know if it'll be a permanent thing or not. I can say that since I'm writing for the school it shouldn't take me 6 months between posts anymore. Sooo, that's good.

Monday, April 14, 2008

An image from Heaven

A GIANT tres leches cake with a layer of fresh raspberries in the middles. The entire time I was making this I just wanted to face plant into it and eat ALL OF IT. And then die peacefully.