Friday, August 22, 2008

An Interesting Day

Today was a very busy day. I had my most ambitious plated dessert to make. Gluten/Allergy free dessert. And it turned out great! Not perfect, but good. And Chef Zonka liked it so much she came in to visit me in the kitchen and tell me that I should submit it to a magazine!! I think I would want to spend some time getting it really perfect first but it would be very exciting try and have something put in a magazine.

And then during service I get a phone call from the roommates. They found kittens. And not just any kittens, kittens that were born this morning or yesterday morning. 5 of them. So even though I was drop dead tired when I got home I had to see them. (So cute!) And of course here I am an hour later typing this. Some day I will learn to sleep properly.

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