Thursday, April 23, 2009

Adventures with Kale

A friend of mine recently gave me some Kale from her garden plot, and having never eaten, let alone cook, kale I was very excited.
I decided that my best option was to keep it simple so that I could really taste the kale. I heated some olive oil in a saute pan with some large diced garlic and pearl onion. Once it was nice and hot and the onions were almost clear I tossed in the Kale. I sauteed it for about 3 minutes, it got bright green and wilty and beautiful. I added a little salt and cracked pepper before eating.

It was heaven in my mouth. The only thing I would change was the amount of oil, less next time. Why have I gone this long with out eating kale?! I need to eat more again soon! Yum!

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